히틀러의 경제 정책, 유대 지배계급의 도둑질 입증
유태인 6백만 살인자, 유대 자본이 심어놓은 꼭두각시라는 등 온통 부정적으로 깎아내리는 얘기들만 무성하고...
1차대전 후 천문학적 전쟁배상금으로 허덕이며, 인류 역사상 최악의 인플레이션을 겪은 독일을
5년내에 경제강국으로 만들었는가에 대한 히틀러의 경제 얘기는 거의 없다.
지배계급의 비밀 지원이라고 떠드는 돌대가리들이 있기는 하다. 돈만 있으면 전국민이 혜택받을 정도로 나라가 풍요해지는가?
아르헨티나, 그리스, 한국 등 지배계급의 IMF로부터 돈 받았던 나라들 꼬라지와 비교해 봐라
핵심은 부를 창출하고 개개인이 혜택 누릴 수 있도록 분배한 경제 정책에 있었다.
유대 지배계급의 삥뜯는 시스템은, 태어나면서부터 빚을 안고, 살아가며 더욱 더 많은 빚에 허덕이도록 만들고 있는데,
히틀러는 정부 솔선, 전국민 협동 추진함으로써, 색다른 세상을 전세계에 보여주며 유대의 범죄를 드러나게 만든 거야
다음은 Europa-The last battle, 3부의 히틀러 경제정책 요약 등
1. 유대 고리대금업단 의 도둑질 차단
(1) 로스차일드 구속 및 유대 은행 음모단 추방
(2) 유대의 방송, 신문 등 소유 제한
유대인 퇴폐 유혹에 빠지지 않도록 건전 성실 노력 사회 조성
(3) 고리대금업에 대한 사형제도 및 실질적 '물물 노동 교환의 화폐' 시스템 단행
인간사회는 물물교환이 불편해서 화폐를 교환의 수단으로 개발했는데,
실질적 가치 없는 교환 수단인 화폐로 유대은행가들은 돈 놀이하며 도둑질 해온 것.
① 이 도둑질을 근절 시키며 교환 및 대출 이자 없는 은행 운영, 즉 유대가 착복했던 이익을 독일 국민에게 되돌린 것
알기 쉽게 예로 설명하면,
1) 쌀 사기 위한 돈이 없어, 전당포에 시계를 주고 돈을 받을 때, 그 가치보다 훨씬 적게 받는다.
이는 '교환' 자체만으로 재산의 일부를 뜯기는 것.
전당포에서 이름만 바꾼, 유대은행 하는 짓이 바로 이 도둑질인데, 이걸 없앴다는 거다.
* 환전, 주식 매매 수수료, 부가가치세 등 너무 익숙해서 당연하게 받아들이고 있는 것들이 은행과 정부의 도둑질!
2) 은행 대출금도 원금과 다름없는 액수로 갚게 하고, 물론 화폐 발행 비용 정도야 포함되었겠지.
그리고, 1차 대전 패배로 인해 모든 금을 빼앗겨 금 보장의 화폐 발행할 수는 상황에서 '자연스런' 생각으로
② 화폐에 해당되는 육체/지적 노동과 물품이 창출될 수 있도록 독일 국민이 일치단결하여 일하도록 독려(* 박정희의 새마을 운동처럼), 금보다 더 가치있는 실질적인 재화를 만들어 낸 거지, 고속도로, 값싼 국민차 폭스바겐 등. 노동과 생산품 = '화폐'인 거야
김씨:'내 문짝 수리해주면, 자네 컴퓨터 고쳐주겠네'
이씨:' 내가 손해인 거 같은데, 소주 한병 보태게'
이런 식의 교환이 이루어지도록 히틀러 정권이 주선한 거야, 유대처럼 삥 뜯지 않고.
* 히틀러와 박정희는 개돼지들 멱살 잡고 생산 장려해서 먹고 살게 해준 보기 드문 지도자였던 거야
독일이나 한반도나 개돼지들은 대동소이한데, 한반도 개돼지들은 그 고마움도 몰라
소위 엘리트, 지배계급들이 개돼지들 어떻게 취급하는지 봐라 => 사탄 지도자, 도축 목장
그 결과
2. 독일 생활은 윤택해졌고, 다른 나라들은 유대 도둑질로 인한 소위 '세계 공황'으로 허덕
(1) 1935년 빚과 이자없는 화폐 개혁 단행한 독일은, 5년만에 침체에서 벗어나 금없이 전쟁배상금 치뤘고 경제부국으로 솟았다. 이에 놀란 유대 고리대금업단은 돈으로 전세계 동원하여 독일을 패망/굴복시켜 다시 손아귀에 넣었다.
이런 화폐 역사는 지배계급이 장악한 공교육에서 절대로 가르치지 않는다 - Billions for the bankers: Debt for the people(1984, Sheldon Emry)
3. 소위 '인플레이션, 디플레이션'이란 경제불황은 유대 도둑질이 그 원인
(1) 히틀러는 그 도둑질을 차단하여 폐허의 독일을 경제부국으로 융성시킴으로써, 그를 명백하게 입증하였고
토마스 제퍼슨 또한 은행가들의 도둑질을 오랜 전에 경고하였다,
"은행 카르텔은 군대보다 더 위험하다. 특히, 사적 은행들이 화폐 발행권을 움켜 쥐면, 그들과 그들 기업들이 '인플레이션과 디플레이션 조작'으로 민중을 약탈할 것이다"
(2) 지들 범죄 은폐에 결사적인 유대 꼬라지들
① 레닌, 트로츠키 등 유대들이 대학살하도록 자금 지원한, 이 쌍것들이
유태인 6백만 학살 조작하며 온갖 '감성팔이'
② 위법하게 강탈 당한 달러 발행권을 되찾으려 시도한 케네디 살해
③ 1920년 포드 자동차 창업주, Henry Ford가
음주, 음란, 허영, 도박, 언론조작 등 온갖 부패의 배후에 변태적 유대인들이 있다는 걸 신문에 게재하기 시작했더니,
유대범죄 은폐 전문단체, ADL(Anti-Defamation League)이 폐간시킴
세상은 부패한 범죄집단이 지배하고 있다. 범죄 폭로 처벌하는 게 그걸 입증한다 - 스노우든
인류의 위협, 유대
히틀러, '헨리 포드를 존경한다'(The Chicago Tribune, 1923.3)
A man who resented this degeneration of Germany,
possibly more than anyone else in the world
was Adolf Hitler.
Born on April 20th 1889
into a working class family,
he was raised learning everything in life the hard way.
Hitler lived as a homeless drifter for most of his life in Vienna,
after being rejected by the art college.
While he apparently wasn't good enough to earn a position at the academy,
he quickly discovered that many Jewish artists were.
Some of these Jewish artists also migrated to Berlin producing pornography and erotica for a living.
Hitler volunteered to fight for Austria in 1914, by that time both of his parents had passed away.
He then begged Bavarian authorities to let him fight for Germany.
He fought with great bravery, instinct and distinction and was promoted to Lance Corporal.
He received the Military Cross, Iron Cross 2nd class,
Iron Cross 1st class,
and 6 medals for bravery.
He was wounded twice.
In October of 1916 he was badly wounded and abided two months in military hospital.
He could have stayed at home, but instead chose to return to the frontlines.
In October 1918 he was temporary blinded by british poison gas attack.
Hitler heard about capitulation of Germany while recovering his eyesight at hospital.
He was confused and outraged after hearing the news
and thought that the sacrifice and suffering of the German soldiers had been for nothing.
The artist from Vienna wanted answers
and he would not rest until the enemies had been exposed
and Germany's honor restored again.
When Adolf Hitler joined the Workers Party (DAP) in 1919
he became the seventh member of the nationalist group.
Hitler then decided that the time was right to seize power of the local government in Munich.
Patriotic war veterans would join him in the revolts and move against the national government in Berlin.
Hitler then used a rally in Munich Beer Hall to launch a coup.
An enthusiastic crowd turned out to support him.
The local uprising pr Putsh,
was ignited by a moving by Hitler,
and was itnerfered by communist troops who opened fire on the nationalists
killing 16 of them.
Hitler and the others were arrested and tried for treason.
At his trial Hitler used his opportunity to spread his political and philosophical ideas,
which apparently were so inspiring that the afterwards even published him in some newspapers.
The judge was incredibly impressed and issued a leanient sentence for Hitler in the nationalist rebels.
The Munic coup failed, but the legend of the great speaker grew
and by every day that went by he fascinated and attracted new followers.
He quickly generated the large support base.
During his inprisonment of 1924
he wrote a bible of National Socialism: "Meine Kampf" My struggle.
His close associate Rudolph Hess imprisoned with Hitler typed out the dictation for the book which was published in 1925.
Mein Kampf was part political manifesto and part augobiography
containing discussions of history,
philosophy and economics.
In the book, Hitler explained the global consipracy for world government
and that it was directed by international Jewish bankers.
He also wrote about the German loss of First World War,
The Jewish-Bolshevik Revolution,
The Versailles Treaty,
and the resulting hyperinflation,
that devastated Germany.
He accused the elite marxist Jews of Germany of controlling newspapers and banking, fomenting wars and corrupting the art, culture and morality of Europe.
Mein Kampf quickly grew in popularity which made Hitler wealthy man.
Hitler was not the only man who warned about international Jewry.
In 1922, Henry Ford, the american industrialist, founder of Ford Motor Company,
published a four volume set of booklets called the:
"The international Jew".
where he exposed the plans and operations of an organized Jewish globalist elite.
Towards research revealed the hidden influence of the American politics
The FED,
the press,
crime and entertainment.
German nationalists would later study and hand out translated copies of Ford's work.
Adolf Hitler himself had a copy in his office along with a photo of Ford.
Ford himself referred to the problem of rising influence of Jewish supremacism as:
"The world's foremost problem".
In 1931 Hitler said that he regarded Ford as an inspiration.
To draw people away from both Reich nationalists and the left socialist parties,
Hitler merely added national and socialist to the party's name
making it NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers' Party).
Taking socialism without internationalism,
and nationalism without capitalism.
Hitler said to the people that Germany's most precious possesion was their own people
and that they all had to unite to save their own nation.
The most obvious difference between national socialism and communism
was that National Socialism supported the concept of private property and market economy,
while communism abolished all private property,
and the government controlled the economy through central planning.
Under communism all private property were seized by the state.
Under narional socialism the private right of citizens were respected and protected.
While under communism there were no private rights.
National Socialism was shortly a radical movement in defense of Western civilisation.
While communism was revolutionary movement dedicated to its destruction.
Hitler also clarified in 1938 that socialism in national-socialism did not equalled Marxist international socialism.
He said:
"Socialists I define from the word social, meaning in domain social equity.
A socialist is one who serves the common good without giving up his individuality or personality
or the product of his personal efficiency.
Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxian Socialism.
Marxism is anti-property,
true socialism is not.
Marxism places no value on individual, or individual effort, or efficiency.
True socialism values the individual and encourages him in individual efficiencym at the same time holding that his interests as individual
must be in consonance with those of the community.
All great inventions discoveries, achievements were first a product of the individual brain.
It is charged against me that
I am against property, and that I am an atheist.
Both charges are false.
Speaking of humor,
I'm going to hear Hitler tomorrow. Would you like to come?
Hitler, the anti-semite?
The National Socialist anti-semite.
Called them "Nazis" to just piss them off.
The National Socialists did not call themselves "Nazis".
The term Nazi along with Nazism is a political epithet invented in the 1920s by Konrad Heiden as propaganda against the NSDAP
and National Socialism.
* '나찌'는 '깜뚱이, 조센징, 쪽발이'과 같은 경멸 단어... 지배계급에 세뇌된 개돼지들이 멋도 모르고 주절대는 거
Konrad Heiden was a Jewish journalist and a member of the competing party:
"Social Democratic Party".
The term was a variant of the nickname for members of the Social Democratic Party
which at that time used to be called: "Sozi"
abbreviation of Socialist.
"Nazi" was a political pun based upon the Austrian-Bavarian slang word for
simpleton or country bumpkin,
and derived from the fairly common name: "Ignatz".
It would be like saying "Natzi",
hence there were no nazis,
they were national-socialists.
Hitler also decided the NSDAP flag.
The swastika is an ancient symbol which means to be good
good luck,
and represented light, consciousness and well-being.
The German people were seriously embittered and depressed by the state of affairs in the Weimar Republic
and they looked for an explanation and solution to their situation.
National Socialism was their only hope for saviour.
With decadence and all the undermining of family values so ingrained in Germany
the country had become an unsafe and unfit place for any German family.
By means of a democratic election,
Hitler took over the leadership of Germany
on January 30th 1933.
Hitler is often called a dictator but in fact he's the only wartime leader
that could prove that it was democratically elected.
Hitler said:
"Allow me four years and swear to you as truly as I have now undertaken my duties.
I will depart.
It is not for any reward or benefit that I've taken office,
but only for your sake.
It has been the greatest decision of my whole life."
Hitler came into true authoritative power in March 1933.
He took over poverty-stricken, sick and hopelessly bankrupt state
with over six million Germans unemployed.
All German gold reserves have been stolen by the victors of World War One as crushing reparation payments.
When Hitler kicked out the destructive international banking cabal,
he became the only leader in history to arrest a Rotshchild.
He later restricted Jewish ownership of radio and newspapers.
The Frankfurt School was closed down and its members fled to the United States
and migrated to major Jewish universities.
Hitler did not want to fall back into the interest slavery of the international Jewish bankers.
He therefore immediately outlaw the debt based system, ie "usury",
by punishment of death,
and created a new Deutsche Mark that was backed only by productive German physical and intellectual labor.
After having deleted the parasitical bankers from the equation the German economic miracle took off almost immediately.
Instead of borrowing from the banks at interest the government instead created a new monetary system for the Germans called:
"The Labour Treasury Note".
Millions of Germans were put to work and the workers were paid with the Treasury certificates.
The government-issued money was not backed by gold but it was backed by something of real value.
It was essentially received for labor and materials delivered to the government.
Hitler said:
"For every mark that was issued we required the equivalent of marks worth of work done or goods produced."
The workers then spent two certificates on other goods and services
creating more jobs for more people.
Hitler managed to end the reparation payments from the Versailles Treaty.
He rebuilt Germany into something better than ever
and the nation quickly rose from the ashes and healed its deep wounds.
The unemployment problem was solved and the country was back on its feet.
It had a solid stable currency,
no debt and no inflation.
Unemployment went from 50% down to less than 2% in a few short years.
After five years,
Hitler had given six million Germans work and a full employment was reached.
Crime was almost non-existent,
unemployment was a thing of the past
and there were no homeless and no beggars.
In "Billions for the bankers: Debt for the people" (1984), Sheldon Emery stated:
"Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on,
accounting for startling rise from the depression to a world power in five years.
Germany financed its entire government and war reparations from 1935 to 1945
without gold and without debt,
and it took the whole capitalist and communist world to destroy the German power over Europe
and bring Europe back under the heel of the bankers.
Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public schools today.
The main priority for Hitler was bringing back pride and belief and the German people again.
In symbolic act of national and spiritual rebirth
university students organized a one-time book burning
of degenerate Marxist literature
and books from the Institute of Sex Research in Berlin on May 10th 1933.
Many of the National Socialist leaders were artists who looked at what needed to be improved in the world.
As a result art and entertainment now reflected a true values of the German people again
and there was a remarkable emphasis on culture.
As a talented painter,
Hitler was well aware of the Jewish marxist influence behind the degradation of german art and culture.
Thus he invented the day of German art:
"Tag der Deutschen Kunst".
Which was a parade held in Munich displaying an appreciation for art and culture.
Feeders first the German movie industry produced about 100 feature films per year between 1933 and 1945.
Some of the best classical recording still existing were made in Hitler's Germany.
Actors from all over Europe, primarily from France, Sweden and Italy were stars in German movies.
Hitler transformed his country from an economically ruin land, on the brink of breakdown, civil war and total collapse into the world's most advanced and prosperous country.
Everybody was in a very bad economic situation. There was unemployment, there was hunger
and inflation, and then Hitler came and offered that he would make Germany
as a great nation again and he would give back our lost self-confidence.
And I myself I was educated that my home country was something I have to serve to, and I loved my homeland, and I was very proud of my country, actually.
I was infected actually by the singing and the crying and shouting to greet him
and I felt it was something very touching
and after he came to power he started immediately to put in practice what he promised
and he gave housing to the workers and employment to the unemployed
and there was food and everything was in order again.
It was a cultural and economic rebirth without parallel in the whole human history which inspired the rest of the world to do the same.
Hitler's radical program restored German economic independence,
ensured racial security for the people
and diverted the nation's wealth from banking cartels to the ordinary people.
Meanwhile the rest of the world still ruled under the Rotschild cabal was still in recession.
Hitler also relaxed strict gun control laws of the previous government
allowing the people to defend himself again.
False claims are constantly made that Hitler could take power because he disarmed the German people,
but this is nonsense.
It was the Weimar Government that already had disarmed the German people before.
Gun clubs now opened all over the Reich.
A man who lived in Hitler's Germany was Hans Schmidt.
He said:
"To be a boy or girl at that time was wonderful.
And the Hitler's youth, the differences between Christian denominations,
or the different German states did not count.
We all truly felt that we were members of one body of people.
One nation.
Youth hostels were opened all over the Reich
enabled us to hike from one beautiful town to another seeing our fatherland.
Every effort was made to strengthen our minds and bodies.
Contrary to what is said today we were encouraged to become free in spirit
and not succumb to peer or authority pressure.
First of May 1933 was made into a holiday for the workers.
Hitler implemented the "Strength Through Joy" program,
which was a generous social program that enabled the common man to have affordable leisure activities, such as concerts, place,
libraries day trips and cruises to other countries.
For the first time in the world millions of workers and their children could access a foreign vacation almost for free.
The first vacation cruise were built for the German workers.
The favorite destinations were the Portuguese island of Madeira,
as well as the Spanish islands and port cities.
The national socialist program is a manual for national for national recovery.
It's lesson can be applied to any nation today.
Drawing on the program Germany less than 36 months enjoyed full employment and the world's highest standard of living.
Hitler's way was called the folks economic.
To alleviate the greatest need of the German people "winter System Work" was also immediately called into being.
" No one shall starve or freeze", sounded the motto.
"This must happen at the beginning of every winter.
This great welfare work is more than just charity,
because we do not simply ask the rich people "please give something to the poor".
Rather we say "German people help yourself" - everyone must help.
Rich or poor, everyone must think that there is always someone in a much worse situation and I must help them as a national comrade."
The nation's were sent to the poorest Germany's cities and mountain regions.
It was a first-rate social action that had great success.
The poor people of these regions then created small items such as wood carvings, glassware etc.
as token for the donations received.
This earned them work and bread and the actions for the whole nation and the German folk to stand united.
In order to provide work and bread to the millions of unemployed the construction of Autobahn began.
Using only German material the new road system was made so that it did not destroy either the German landscape or
wildlife habitats, nor forests.
The price per automobile was between 1350 and 1600 Reichmarks,
but Hitler thought the prices were too high for the common family.
Thus Hitler together with Ferdinand Porsche dreamt up and designed the "People's car",
the "Volkswagen".
This would be the most built and most economical car in the world.
At that time it cost 995 Reichsmarks which could be paid off in minor payments.
Volkswagen was a word that Hitler himself personally shows.
Germany was a Christian nation of which more than 46 million belong to the German Evangelical Protestant Church
30 million to the Roman Catholics faith.
About 2,500 new churches were built in Germany.
Hitler himself believed the positive Christianity and he regularly visited the church.
What was he like as a man?
The secretars at least found him a very friendly, charming polite and patient chief.
He had even a sense of humor and we never experienced any loud words or something unfriendly.
And to me as I was the youngest
he had actually more or less a fatherly behavior.
I actually I liked him,
and I felt well in his company,
and I enjoyed talking to him and listened to his more or less, monologues.
He was indeed observing me.
And that was one of the most curious moments of my life.
I had the feeling thaty he was searching somehow -
the gaze which at first rested completely on me
suddenly went straight through me and into an unkown distance.
It was so strange.
And the long gaze which he had given me
convinced me completely
that he was a man of hounourable intentions.
I can only say that I am glad
that I saw Hitler's most beautiful side.
Surely there must have been dark sides,
but I saw his wondegul side,
and nobody can take that away from me.
A lot of people of course have seen History Channel documentaries
and scare pieces on the mass media
that give a distorted view of what National Socialism actually is.
First of all, National Socialist is an ideology about life.
It's about the cultivation of life, of building strong families,
building families that are able to raise good children.
Children that are moral.
Children that are healthy.
And children that are on a path of virtue to be able to build a better and brighter future for the nation.
It's about cooperation.
Specifically, class cooperation gender cooperation
and cooperation throughout all members of society.
National Socialism views the nation like a body
and a body takes all different parts.
The liver is not more important than the brain or the heart or the arm of the leg.
Everything works in tandem with one another to be able to be life.
We as National Socialists support every single member of our community as being part of an extended family.
The working class has a responsibility and a duty. To be able to work hard.
But they also have a right to economic justice, to having their voices be heard within society,
and bosses have a right to be able to make profits within their corporations and companies,
but they also need to ensure that they're putting the best interests of the worker, families and the nation first.
We believe in taking from the right nationalism without capitalism,
and from the left socialism but not internationalism.
At the end of the day, national socialism in its economic theory, is about putting the nation first,
because the nation is your family.
National Socialism is also about rejecting capitalism and communism.
Capitalism and communism are two ideologies that take the human being and make him a cog within a greater machine.
Communism wages a war of the poor against the rich,
and capitalism is a war of the rich against the poor.
Both of these are Jewish ideologies,
an ideologies that poison the national community.
They tear apart the working class, they tear apart families,
and they turn the nation into one giant fire sale,
to be able to say that whoever has the most money or the most power is able to loot intelligent.
National socialism says that the national community has to work together.
That we need to ensure that everyone has rights and duties
and responsibilities to one another,
and this in turn creates a healthier society.
National Socialism believes in the cultivation of virtue.
We reject the degeneracy that we see in the modern West,
the pornography that we see on the television screens,
the radical individualism within our society,
and instead say we want to be able to cultivate and activate within ourselves natural beauty.
We want to be able to build beautiful art.
We want to be able to build beautiful cities and beautiful about.
This is about cultivation of what is good
and everything about capitalism and communism and the Jewish power structure
is about destroying what it's good.
We see this in the modern West whether it's the importation of foreign people,
foreign ideologies , radical feminism, abortion and a culture that supports death instead of life.
This is an ideology of death.
A death cult that is destroying the Western people in the Western world.
We as National Socialists support an ideology of life, of rebirth and rebuilding ourselves, and our nations.
We're an ideology that believes in peace throughout the entire world.
General Leon Degrelle said that National Socialism and racialism
is about lifting your own people up,
and we want the same for every single group of people.
We want every single ethnicity and ethnic community around the world to be able to be stronger,
to be able to chart their own destiny,
and be able to work together against the International Jew,
work against the international capitalists, and work against a system that breaks apart nations and families.
Finally, national-socialist is an ideology that isn't ideology.
It follows natural law.
These are principles that are within all of us.
We is National Socialists whether we are Christians
or pagans
or simply agnostics,
understand that there is a greater power and there's greater principles that drive us in this world.
As an extended family and a national community
we're not at war with one other on the differences in religion,
differences in subculture,
or differences in class.
We understand that working together as a team is what will make our nation strong.
National Socialism is building a better and brighter future.
So you might get a lot of lies in the media,
but what the truth is...
is we are the only ideology that can defeat the international Jew and the international capitalists.
Not just in our nation, but in all nations.
To bring about an earth where we take care of the environment,
we take care of animals, we take care of the water we drink and the air we breathe,
and we take care of our blood, and our culture.
National Socialism makes you a steward.
You have responsibilities and duties.
It is not an ideology for the weak,
it is an ideology for those that love their faith, their family, and their folk.
The term democracy means something it did not mean 100 years or even 50 years ago.
In fact the National Socialists strive to revive and restore the term
and restore the term
democracy to its original and rightful meaning.
National Socialist form of democracy was based on the principle of community of the people.
The National Socialist electoral system was not based on the parliamentary system,
but was nonetheless democratic.
The national system of government was largely based on referenda in which the really important issues of the day were debated
and voted upon by the German people.
Thus the National Socialist form of democracy was more pure
and more representative than that of today.
Hitler was aware that feminism was a clever Jewish-cultural Marxist trick . A trick to corrupt the people and destroy the founding blocks of the Western civilization, i.e. heterosexuality and the familt unit.
Hitler said:
"The phrase, 'emancipation of women' is only an invention of the Jewish intellect and its content is stamped with the same spirit. In the really good periods of German life the German woman never needed to emancipate herself."
He continued:
"The so-called granting of equal rights to women, which marxism demands, in reality does not grand equal rights, but constitues a depravation of rights, since it draws the women into an area which she will necessarily be inferior. The woman has her own battlefield. For every child that she brings into the world, she fights here battle for the nation."
Each and every child in Hitler's Germany was considered a sacred blessing from above and a reason to celebrate.
Motherhood was a cherished and noble act again.
The Cross of honour of the German mother was awarded to mothers who had many children.
"And you need to understand it from me:
If I have a female lawyer in front of me these days and it doesn't matter how much she has achieved and next to hers is a mother of five, six, seven children,
and they are in great health and well-educated by her.
Then I want to say:
From the eternal point of view of the eternal value of our people
The woman - who is able to have children has children and raised them
and thereby gave our people the ability to live in the future - Has achieved more.
She has done more.
She assits us to avoid the death of our people."
In 1933 Hitler pass a law that enabled married couples to obtain interest-free loans, minimum 1000 Reichmarks,
equals to 9 months salary, to set up homes and start families.
For each childbirth the couple was allowed to keep 250 marks and did not have to repay it.
Newly married couples with children received these generous loans repayable in 10 years,
so they could buy a house or apartment.
The birth of the first child who canceled a quarter of the loan.
Four children would cancel the entire debt.
Over a 10-year period a family with four children would earn more than the amount of the loan.
In the eyes of the National Socialists
women were viewed as the preservers of their tribe.
The guardians of future generations.
Everywhere in Germany houses and apartments were built for the workers.
Villages of small single-family homes were set up.
The monthly payments were set so low that practically everyone could afford his own house.
All houses were naturally constructed according to the highest standards of public health.
Before the end of 1933 Hitler succeeded in building 200,000 buildings in accordance with his building program.
Within four years nearly 1.5 million were built for the German people.
The monthly rent for a worker was only about 1/8 of his monthly earnings.
The farmers economic situation was also drastically improved.
In 1933 alone,
17,611 houses were built for farmers.
Within three years 91 thousand such houses were built.
The National Socialists were the first to actively campaign against smoking
and personally funded the Institute for the struggle against tobacco.
Germany became the first in the world to ban smoking on public transit.
In 1937 his government enacted the first law which prohibited the sale of alcohol to minors
enacted stiff penalties for drunken driving.
He also introduced the first blood test for automobile drivers suspected of driving drunk.
Adolf Hitler was the first person to create a law against the mistreatment of animals,
recognizing it to be evil.
A law imposing a total ban on animal experiments was enacted.
The National Socialists declared an end to the unbearable torture and suffering in animal experiments.
(Hermann) Göring announced in a radio broadcast:
"An absolute and permanent ban on vivisection is not only a necessary law to protect animals and show sympathy with their pain,
but is also a law for humanity itself."
The inhuman ritual slaughter of animals as kosher and halal was totally banned.
The rights Animal Protection Act was enacted.
Germany even hosted an international conference on animal protection in Berlin.
Education on animal protection laws were introduced at primary, secondary and college levels.
Animal protection was accepted as a subject to be taught in public schools and universities in Germany.
With all of these fantastic achievements Germans self-confidence, national pride and happiness skyrocketed.
Germany were now free and independent without having to be in debt to the bankers anymore.
Hitler became a living legend to his people as his policies put Germany back on its feet
and he was even named man of the year in 1938.
Ex Prime Minister David Lloyd George said:
"It is not the Germany of the decade that followed the war broke and dejected
and bowed down with a sense of apprehension and impotence.
It is now full of hope and confidence.
One man has accomplished this miracle.
The old trust him.
The young idolize him.
It is not the admiration popular leader,
it is the worship of a national hero
who have saved his country from utter despotism and degradation.
I have never met a happier people."
So what we know about Adolf Hitler is like what we know about history.
The victors of course write the history, don't they?
They write the history and they tell us a narrative
and we're supposed to swallow that bullshit as if it's true.
The major crime of Adolf Hitler was that he got out, he got Germany out
of a banking debt that was drowning the German people.
Drowning the German people in a cesspool of moral decay,
drowning in debt.
And he had the nerve to actually say fuck off to the bankers
and start printing their own, and Germany went from a destitute post-world war country that was drowning..
Germans starving, no jobs, nothing!
And he got them out of that debt,
and literally brought that nation back to a powerhouse within several years just by using their own money supply.
That's the real crime that Adolf Hitler committed.
Now I could sit here and talk in really exciting sentences, a a little bit more about everything we've been taught
about World War two and the Holocaust, but let us suffice to say that it fits in line with virtually everything we've been told about history in general...
E John F. Kennedy had the courage in the balls and integrity to bypass the Federal Reserve Bank to bypass his financial system
and he was dead within six months,
and there ain't no coincidence there.
Definitely not!
We only need to do one thing to turn it all around.
One thing..
Let's confront that financial system.
Let us print our own money.
You see the faces of them Germans coming out of the crowds to meet Adolf Hitler.
Genuine smiles on the their faces.
It's something you cannot act, you cannot hide.
It's there for all to see,
because there's no denying it
This is an incredible love for this guy.
Who would not love a guy who eliminated poverty and put you into a place were your family is more secure.
You know, you have a bread on your table and your wage is solid and everything is fine.
You would have loved this guy.
No, these are not actions of an evil man.
This is a man who loves his country and loves the people in his country.
However, the rebirth of Germany and its people was a thorn in the eye for the international bankers, because they could no longer control Germany or her people anymore.
The communists had officialy lost control of German. Extreme agitation in the media against Hitler and Germany would be the result.
Propaganda campaigns were now launched against him in the West by the Jewish-owned press. The propaganda would soon develop into on of the blodiest battles of all human history.
In 1936, Winston Churchill started to get jealous...
"Germany is becoming too strong. We must crush her...
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