예일대 Serge Lang 교수 팩스
1997, 4, 16
Korean Mathematical Society
Attn. President Professor Gun Soo Chang(참조: 무응답한 연대 장건수의 변명)
Fax 82-02-565-0364
Korea Institute of Advanced Study
Attn. President Professor Hyochul Myung(주: 명효철 회신거부)
Fax 82-2-958-3710
Dear Professor Chang and Myung
Your institutions represent mathematics in Korea.The case of MyungHo Kim has just been brought to my attention
, by a forthcoming article in the
Mathematical Intelligencer, and an informative letter on the facts of the case,
addressed to the Math Intelligencer by members of the American Mathematical Society, especially a committee of
Academic Freedom, Tenure and Employment.
The international mathematical community forms a village which is on the top of line in maintaining communication
and promoting standards. More than any other group I know, we help each other correct mistakes, hopefully before they
published, but also after they are published. We are trained to do so from the beginning when we join this community.
As those AMS members wrote in their letter, no reproch should be made for making a minor blunder. The problem arises
when an establishment does not cooperate to correct the blunder and annul whatever undesirable effects the blunder may have had.
I have myself made blunders, and have corrected them in the past as extensively and publicly as I could. I have
encouraged students in my classes to find whatever errors they could in my books, and bring them to my attention so I could
correct them.
I urge you to give support to Myung in
his effort to nullify the result of an improperly phrased question in an important
examination, individuals such as Myung deserve the support of their establishment. Our standards are international.
It is already unfortunate that the situation has escalated to the point when there has to be an appeal to
the international community to set things straight. You have considerable influence to defuse the
situation just by straightening it out openly and simply. You will have the appreciation of the
international mathematical community, and mine.
With best regards, Serge Lang
cc: Myung Ho Kim
1. 파렴치한 성대
(1) 경과일지, 출제오류 보고
(2) 수학과 범행
① 95년 성대입시부정 주범들

② 보복심사
2. 학계
(1) 189명 수학과 교수들의 서명,
(2) 대한 수학회와

에 분노한 Math Intelligencer, S. Lang, M. Atiyah + Science,
(3) 대한수학회와 동급, 한국 물리학회,
3. 준비된 공범, 법원
(1) 소송
① 민사소송: 오류지적에 대한 보복 입증, 법원의 입시 출제오류에 대한 석명 명령, 뻔뻔한 성대 거짓말
② 형사소송
③ 행정소송
(2) 공범 판사 등
4. 이상하 교수:
성균관대학교 입시부정의 희생자, 김명호 사건, 나쁜 약 vs 나쁜 수학문제,
미국 SAT 수학문제 오류 사건
출사표: 성대 교수들에게 보낸 편지,
김명호 vs 성대